Signs That Your Home Needs Electrical Work

Signs That Your Home Needs Electrical Work

Make sure your home’s electrical systems are up to code before buying a new house, especially a home that needs work. However, how can you tell if the electrical systems in your house require urgent repair? Here is a list of five signs that your home needs electrical work in order to determine if you…

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Is It Possible to Convert a Light Switch Into an Outlet?

Can a Light Switch be Converted Into an Outlet? The answer is yes, a light switch can be converted into an outlet.  If the wiring can be located at the source and one of the wires—the neutral or white wire—can be linked to the neutral source, then the answer is yes, a switch can be…

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Why Should a Loose Electrical Outlet Box Be Repaired by an Electrician?

Tightening a couple of screws isn’t enough to fix a loose electrical outlet box. It’s possible that a smaller outlet box will be required. The hole in the drywall may also need to be resized. In addition, there could be underlying issues, such as frayed wires, that could put you and your family in danger.…

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Electrical Spring Cleaning

When we think of spring cleaning, we usually think of dusting, mopping, and general tidying up, but it’s also a great time to get started on other home maintenance jobs that have been neglected. When you perform electrical spring cleaning, you may instantly transform into your home while also eliminating the possibility of future electrical…

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An Introduction to the Different Types of Electrical Outlets

In the average home, there are 75 electrical outlets of varying sizes, shapes, and functions. Are the outlets on your walls the best candidates for the job? Here, we’ll highlight some of the most prevalent varieties in your house, as well as new home outlet challengers aimed to make your home more user-friendly and safe…

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Mistakes New Homeowners Make With Their Electrical System

It takes time to adjust to life as a homeowner. After all, you’ll need to learn a few things first, including how to maintain the home’s electrical system. Transformation Electric has put together a list of typical electrical mistakes that new homeowners should avoid in order to keep their home safe and their electricity running.…

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What you need to know about LEDs

The most sophisticated and energy-efficient light source currently available is LED. LED technology is evolving at a rapid pace, with color and brightness continually increasing while costs continue to fall. LEDs are extremely energy efficient, emit little heat, and may last up to 5 times longer than the next closest light source. LEDs used to…

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Electrical Wiring your Home Office for Better Productivity

Are you now working from home? If that’s the case, do you think you’re as productive as you want to be, or as productive as you can be? Demonstrating high productivity when working from home only adds to our argument that we’re doing a better job at home than we’ve ever done in the office.…

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Should I Upgrade My Electrical Panel

Is it necessary to upgrade my electrical panel? The electrical panel is still one of the most important parts of the home. The electrical panel provides occupants with electricity, which provides comfort and convenience. This equipment is in charge of supplying power to the entire house. The electrical panel grows old or outdated with time.…

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5 Questions about Home Electrical System Upgrades

Home Electrical System Upgrades

Home electrical system upgrades are no small task. Before you decide to go through with the job, there are a few things you should know. Find out what questions you can ask about the upgrade. When you get the right information from your electrician in Pittsburgh, PA, you can make the most of your upgrade.…

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