06: Signs You Might Have Wiring Issues
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Signs You Might Have Wiring Issues
A Must-Have Article About Your Home’s Electrical System: Article 6 of 10
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”22″][video_embed url=”https://vimeo.com/335595945″ border=”yes”][vc_empty_space height=”22″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”hb-custom-sidebar-schedule-homeelectricedusale”][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#ffe300″ css=”.vc_custom_1577421655064{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_text]You’re watching the playoffs and Pittsburgh is down three points to New England with ten seconds left on the clock, but they have the ball and they are on the five-yard line. That’s when the lights and your TV picture dims and flickers for a second. Your relief when things immediately return to normal and you get to see the last play of the game completely wipes away any concern about why the lights dimmed.
It shouldn’t. Dimming or flickering lights are major indications that you might have electrical wiring issues.
The dangers of wiring problems include fires and electrical shocks, so the possibility that bad wiring may be behind issues that arise in your home shouldn’t be taken lightly.
In addition to the general, house-wide flickering of the lights that I mentioned, individual light fixtures flickering can be an indication of bad wiring in that particular light fixture. Especially in older fixtures, the heat from the light bulbs may have damaged the insulation on the wires over time, presenting a fire risk.
If you find yourself replacing burned-out light bulbs frequently, it can also be an indication of bad wiring in the fixture, but could also be a more general problem, like a main neutral connection that is bad.
Circuit breakers that trip frequently may be a sign that you have too many electrical devices or devices that draw too much current, plugged into that circuit. Or it may be a sign of a wiring problem. If you have eliminated the possibility of an overloaded circuit, have an electrician check your home’s wiring.
Do I need to tell you that when you plug something into an electrical outlet and you hear popping or see sparks, you have a problem? Typically, that is a more localized problem and you will need to replace the outlet. It is easily accomplished, but it is a potentially dangerous situation and should be repaired right away.
Sometimes you will encounter an outlet that is dead and nothing plugged into it works or a wall switch that fails to turn on whatever it is supposed to control. In those cases, first, check for a circuit breaker that has shut off. If there is one, the solution may be as simple as turning it back on. If the situation happens again, though, you need to check for faults in the wiring of that particular circuit. If there is no problem with the circuit breaker, the outlet or wall switch needs to be replaced.
A particularly scary sign of electrical wiring problems is a smell of something burning and a smell that you can’t quite locate. This could definitely be the smell of overheated electrical wiring insulation. Don’t delay to have it checked.
Heat. We all know light bulbs get hot (though it is not as much of an issue with LED and CFL light bulbs as with incandescent bulbs). Electrical outlets, light switches, and electrical appliances shouldn’t be hot, though. If you feel the heat when you touch any of these items, there is a problem that needs to be repaired.
Electricity is typically a quiet, unobtrusive servant that makes our lives comfortable. When something goes wrong, though, it can quickly destroy appliances, entire homes, and lives. Watch for these symptoms and deal with them quickly.[/vc_column_text][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”hb-custom-sidebar-schedule-homeelectricedusale”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
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