5 Springtime Energy Saving Tips
Everyone knows that saving energy means saving money. Besides reducing utility costs, reducing the amount of energy, your home uses is also good for the environment. Here are just a few energy saving tips you can do to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home as warmer temperatures arrive:
- Use your ceiling fans – The average ceiling fan running at the highest speed consumes about 75 watts of power. Comparing this to your air conditioner that uses 2,000 watts of power. If you can stand the heat, this simple task allows your home to reduce your electric bill by approximately 30%.
- Service your air conditioner – Easy maintenance such as routinely replacing or cleaning air filters can lower your cooling system’s energy consumption by up to 15%. Don’t forget to check your air conditioner’s evaporator coil, which should be cleaned annually to ensure the system is performing at optimal levels.
- Cook outside – On warmer days, stay out of the kitchen. When you cook with a stovetop or oven, you can end up heating up your kitchen and adjacent rooms by several degrees. Save your air conditioner from having to work overtime by cooking on the grill.
- Drop the drapes and window shades – During the day, it’s a good idea to close your drapes or drop your window shades. Doing this task keeps the sunlight out during the day and keeps the house cooler. You can also do the opposite of this during the cooler months by keeping them up to let the warm sunlight in.
- Turn off appliances – Turn off any appliances, light, and equipment when not in use. Even doing just this one small thing that we mostly forget about doing, can contribute to savings on annual energy costs.
Want to make sure you conserve as much energy as you can this spring?
Contact Transformation Electric today at 724-266-7177[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]